End of Summer

I haven’t written a blog post in a while. Shame!

This weekend is Treasure Fest! I’ll be there selling original pieces as well as prints. Come stop by and say hi! Get your tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/shop-toberfest-at-treasurefest-tickets-42365055020?aff=site

The last time I wrote I had just been accepted in to the Sanchez Art Center 50|50 show. 50 paintings in 50 days. I crushed it! I was really proud to finish all 50 in a timely manner. When I started I painted daily but that only lasted a week or so. Life gets in the way, and I found myself taking much needed time for myself and then making up for it on the weekends, sometimes 4 in a day. The show went really well, too. I met a ton of local artists and made some friends along the way. I’m also pumped to be able to bring some of the works to upcoming shows too.

My day job has been busy, which tires me out. I am currently not doing the best when it comes to making time for art, but I have excuses. My stomach has been hurting and I am tired. My doctors have diagnosed me as iron deficient anemic and they believe that I have celiac disease – the results showed up in a blood marker and I get to experience my first endoscopy. Although, if I’m not awake/aware for the procedure I’m not sure how much of an experience it will be.

For now I am trying to enjoying my last few days of enjoying gluten, even though it bothers my stomach. Mac and Cheese and Pierogis, oh my! I imagine when I get the official diagnosis and I stop gluten I’ll be amazed at how much better I will feel.

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